Monday, 21 April 2008

The first working day as President

I had a tremendous day on the 18th when I was inaugurated as President. I went on to chair the AGM and except for one small mistake, it went according to plan. I want to thank Adrian Abel again for his contribution to last year's activities. The award ceremony in the afternoon is really what the Day of Celebration is all about. It was my privilege to open the ceremony and introduce our guest speaker Ann Priest, Dean of Nottingham Trent. I really enjoyed watching the diplomas and medals being presented to such distinguished scientists and designers. It was my honour to present the medals together with Peter Duffield, our Honorary Secretary and Ann Priest awarded the diplomas introduced by Dr Jim Nobbs the Examination and Accreditation Board Chairman. The evening was tremendous fun, starting with a fashion show. I talked about the year ahead and my intentions of promoting and delivering a new range of courses and qualifications. The Society had a tremendous year last year and all the staff, trustees, members, and committees deserve a great thank you. SDCE moved successfully to new buildings without disrupting their business and is now in control of their own fabric production. We presented the award to the winners of the innovation and global design winners as well as the 50 year member awards. You will hear all about it later from Carmel. I would like to thank the staff and all my friends and colleagues in supporting this day. Speak to you soon.

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